You might say, “what could be wrong with the idea of the victory of Light over Darkness?” Everyone must understand that! Light is Light and Darkness is Darkness, and Light must necessarily triumph over Darkness, and anyone who is on the side of Light understands it and will be on the winning side. Only someone who is Dark would refuse to accept this, knowing very well that they will ultimately be defeated by those who are on the side of Light. 

However, the problem here is not about the relationship between Light and Darkness. The problem lies in the word “triumph.” Ultimately, this matter has nothing to do with spirituality, but rather with the proclamation of the need for victory and therefore the defeat of someone else. It is about glorifying the need to be the winner, the need to be on the side of the stronger. 

The whole philosophical problem of Light versus Darkness is ultimately just a pretty marketing package. What is really being sold here is Victory. If people in this time and place would like the opposite, then the “heralds of victory” would serve people the idea of the inevitable victory of Darkness over Light, because after all, one day even the last star in the universe will go out. Again, it will not really be about Darkness or Light, but again about the need to triumph, to prove one’s superiority, to be the stronger one.

That is the fundamental idea and also the “primary” problem of our current culture – we create polarities, measure which polarity is “stronger,” pit polarities against each other, and build hierarchies. Position in society, position in a company, hierarchy of experiences and emotions. We have numbered everything so that the “order of correctness” and the “order of winners” are clearly visible. Even emotions and experiences have been evaluated, numbered, and assigned “vibration levels,” and many bestsellers have been written on the topic of how to arrange your life cleverly to always be the WINNER…

And the authors of these bestsellers are undoubtedly on the “winning” side, as so many copies have already been sold and so many workshops have been held, and so many people want to learn how to be a WINNER easily and quickly…

How beautiful and sweet that word sounds – WINNER… Let’s try saying it again, with more emotion – WINNER… Ah, isn’t that bliss?… To be a WINNER means (or perhaps we vaguely imagine) that when we are a WINNER, we will be safe, we will never have to suffer from something we don’t want, we may not have to suffer at all…

But in reality, it’s about our traumas and pains… We try to cover up our inner suffering and fears with the belief that when we WIN one day, everything will be good forever… We are actually trying to triumph over our own painful inner selves, and we hope that we will definitely succeed someday…

We won’t… Because existence is not about the victory of one polarity over another… We have apparently tried that many times in the past, and the remnants of those attempts can still be found in many places… Existence is always about BALANCE… And balance is something completely different from some illusory and essentially impossible victory of one polarity over another…

What we are actually NOT SAYING with this lofty idea of the “victory of Light over Darkness” is that we know very well that we have strengthened Darkness too much at the expense of Light for too long… We have created a terrible imbalance, pushed too many pieces of ourselves into Darkness, trapped in traumas and pains… We need to start working on our wholeness, voluntarily dealing with and accepting what we have pushed into our own Darkness… We need to work hard and voluntarily to restore BALANCE…