Our entire civilization is a culture that worships victory and hierarchy. Being first, being the richest, being the happiest, being the most beautiful… And then there are the others, all the way to the last, the less wealthy, and the completely poor and wretched, the less happy, and the completely unhappy, and they can only envy, because they are the losers…

In our time, we actively practice the “Religion of Victory”. The main commandment of our church cannot be said out loud, it is only whispered among the knowledgeable, and can be guessed between the lines – “Push forward and upward as much as you can, and grab everything you can, and don’t have any regard for anyone or anything, but when it suits you, feel free to pretend anything”… The supreme God of our faith is the “Supreme Victor Above All”…

The God “Supreme Victor Above All” is the most beautiful, richest, most famous, most loved, most admired, most noble, most advanced, and most enlightened, living in the highest vibrations and in the brightest worlds and dimensions, always right in everything, everything always goes well for him, always doing everything perfectly and correctly, and has everything he wants, can do whatever he wants, always happy, never forced to do anything, always doing only what he enjoys and never experiencing any suffering, fear or pain, always healthy and young, and death cannot touch him…

God “Supreme Victor” naturally has his archenemy, and that is the “Utter Loser”… And he embodies the exact opposite. He is ugly, poor, ordinary, stupid, completely insignificant, messes everything up, doesn’t understand anything, is the “lowest of the low” among everyone, living in the darkest worlds and in the crudest vibrations, everyone mocks him, spits on him, and avoids him as much as they can, his life is one big misery and suffering, pain and fear… and so on…

And this “Utter Loser” would like to at least somewhat resemble the “Supreme Victor,” but he can’t and never will. He is simply the “Forever Defeated” and so he just feeds on envy and bitterness and malice, he is a “Total Noone”…

And according to the liturgy of our church, we praise, love and invoke the “Supreme Victor” and want to be like him. We constantly emphasise, exaggerate and show off everything that resembles him even a little bit… And on the other hand, we mock the “Utter Loser” and if we notice anything in ourselves that could resemble that “Forever Defeated,” we immediately deny it, mask it, push it away, cover it up and blame others for it as much as we can… No one wants to end up as the very last among everyone, everyone wants to be a winner…

How does it sound when we translate this modern religion of our civilization into these clear archetypal characters? What can we see here? Is this the most advanced philosophy that can exist in the universe? Does it show us that we need to even more aggressively strive for the “final victory” of one polarity over the other as quickly as possible? Or does it show that we are somewhat “off” and need to fundamentally change our thinking and start actively and voluntarily working towards establishing BALANCE?

The entire existence always tends towards BALANCE. But we are still stuck in our primitive belief in the possibility of VICTORY of one polarity over the other… We are so obsessed with it that we can even try to talk about the “Necessity of Victory of Balance” and possibly want to “enforce Balance at any cost”…

Balance is not about winning, balance is about constant and very delicate balancing, constant search for wholeness, constant understanding of polarities and everything in between… Balance is dynamic and in our human dimension it is a never-ending struggle… Balance is simply honest and never-ending hard work… In contrast, faith in “Victory, after which I will no longer have to strive for anything and everything will be “great forever” is of course much more pleasant…

If we finally wake up from our terrible and feverish “nightmare of Victory” and decide to actively and voluntarily start heading towards BALANCE, it will of course not be easy and we will also experience pain, disappointment and fear along the way, but it seems that this is probably the only possible way out of this “perfumed golden victorious quagmire” after which there would probably only be bones and rubble left and a terrible bundle of traumas in the collective consciousness of the planet…