“Because I suffered, then someone else must suffer too, anyone, so they know how terrible it was…” This is one of those “deepest shadow truths” about human suffering and trauma that Kateřina and I experienced in a recent intense process in expanded consciousness. It is not at all pleasant to delve into this topic, and of course every “highly developed and enlightened” person will be absolutely certain that it certainly does not concern them, but will also likely be “highly positively” disgusted by the fact that “something so dark” is being brought to light… But the truth is, “we’re all in it together”…

The process that Kateřina and I underwent was about some old personal and family traumas and was very “fruitful”. We spent several hours reliving traumas accumulated in the mental field of our family and found and experienced a lot of suffering there. There were all sorts of traumas – illnesses, injuries, wars, birth violence, loss of loved ones…

There was a lot of life energy of those beings who had suffered – life energy trapped in those traumas. But there was also together with many of those experiences literally something like a Dark Curse – “Because I had to suffer so terribly, then someone else must too – anyone, so they know what terrible pain it was…”

It was an experience that clarified a lot for me about some people and the energies that radiate from them. Some of those who didn’t pretend to be “bright and positive” openly showed this energy towards almost anyone. Others suppressed it into their Shadow and marked themselves as “bright and positive ones” in their light part, but in their darkness still demanded retribution…

“We’re all in it together” – and if perhaps not in this life anymore, then certainly in the past. This may also be one of the reasons why it is sometimes so terribly difficult to deal with old personal or family traumas. Because there is this terrible Dark Curse, and nothing can be done about it except reliving it as well… That Curse, that cruel desire for someone else to suffer the same or even greater pain, is sometimes even stronger than the trauma itself…

It seems, therefore, that the collective consciousness of humanity is not only full of traumas but mainly of this cruel desire for revenge – because I had to suffer, so someone else must suffer too – as “redemption” for my suffering, so I’m not the only one who had to endure such pain… And this Curse is probably another reason why our world looks the way it does and why it is still full of suffering…

We are all in it together, and we cannot escape it. We cannot run to any “high vibrations” or “5th dimension” or wherever else… One day, we will have to stop running and really start working on everything we have accumulated over centuries and millennia. And relive even these Curses that we sent out in our suffering and pain, simply because we didn’t have the strength to bear the horrors of what we were experiencing… And only when we start doing this, only then will something really change in this world…