The “Religion of Victory” that our civilization professes has completely permeated us, so we cannot even be different in relation to ourselves. We try to win over ourselves too. Overcome yourself, find your best self, constantly improve your performance, never give up, don’t show any weakness, you must never make mistakes…

It’s an uncompromising drill. And why not. After all, Victory is achieved through Fight. The “Religion of Victory” is therefore also necessarily the “Religion of Fight”… From early childhood, we are fed various stories in which Heroes Fight for Victory. We are introduced to various archetypal figures of Heroic Winners and subconsciously choose which type of Winner we want to be.

Of course, we have to be Winners, we won’t end up like that Defeated Loser. When we are Winners, Luck is on our side and we can then win even more easily and “rub it in” to the Losers…

Through various information channels we supply each other with news about “Celebrities” and “Top Stars”. These are “The Amazing People” who continue to climb higher and higher on the “Victory Ladder”. So we can learn what these “Celebrated Winners” – “Lucky Charms” wear, how they invest their money, how they decorate their homes, what kind of car they drive… And all of this is a chance for us to improve ourselves and climb higher. Just by wearing something that “Celebrated Winners” are wearing, I clearly express my firm determination to belong to the Sphere of Winners…

We also inform each other when a Celebrity fails… You see – they lost their position, aged, they are now nobody… It is literally a hyena-like “tearing of the carcass”… We sow fear in each other’s subconsciousness… We surely don’t want to end up the same way… That’s why we must never let up in the Fight for Victory, even for a moment. And it is really a daily Fight. To stay in the “Sphere of Winners” and not waste any moment in which we can move closer to the throne of our God – “The Supreme Winner Above All”…

So it’s no wonder that in this Battle for Victory, we must sacrifice a lot and, above all, not give our Weaknesses a chance. Because Weaknesses are the attributes of Losers… So we simply cannot afford any pains or traumas. We must defeat them, not give them a chance, triumph over them, get rid of them, leave them behind, not go back to them, or at least bury them as deep as possible…

From a young age, we are constantly taught which experiences, emotions, and states of consciousness are the Winning ones and which clearly indicate that we are Losing… That’s why various moments in our lives are very difficult for us because we are shocked that we are experiencing Defeat…

As Gabor Maté says, “Trauma is not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you.” Different experiences are traumatising for us and we strongly reject and repress them just because we are internally convinced that “we can never make a mistake”, that “we must always be on top”, that “we must have everything under control”, that “we must handle everything absolutely perfectly”…

The worst thing for us is therefore the feeling that we have been “defeated” in some situation, that we “failed”, that we “couldn’t handle it”, that we were “cowards”, that we “solved it incorrectly”. And all these evaluations come from the “liturgy and mythology” of our “Religion of Victory”…

This is also probably the essence of the “retraumatization” mechanism – that we will recall our past “Defeat” again and again, and it still hurts… And that is also why for many people, experiences from psychedelic trips or holotropic breathing can be even fatally dangerous.

Because they can bring up long-forgotten memories that they will not be able to cope with because they will perceive them only as more Defeats… And they may then feel cruelly deceived… They were “pretty okay” and expected only more relief and even more happy experiences from the process, but it turned out completely differently… Defeats that they didn’t even know about returned… And now what?